AI, Search, and the Travel Creator

Last year, Google rolled out something called “the helpful-content update” (HCU). It felt that too many websites were over-optimized for search and not run by real people providing real answers based on firsthand experience. Instead, there were too many SEO farms pumping out bad content for search and ad revenue. Hence, the desire to put…

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My New Zealand South Island Road Trip Itinerary

The South Island of New Zealand is the country’s larger (but less-populated) island…but it’s also the most visually stunning. With just 23% of the country’s 5.2 million inhabitants, it’s a dramatic and beautiful island, home to wineries, wildlife, high-octane adventure sports, and pristine beaches. This is the island that people end up spending more time…

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The 6 Best Hotels in New Orleans (Updated 2024)

New Orleans is one of my favorite places in the world (and that’s saying something). There’s just something about this city. It’s magic. The people and energy make it impossible not to have a good time here. It’s really bounced back from Hurricane Katrina (I visited right after, and it was a completely different city)….

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My New Zealand North Island Road Trip Itinerary

From cosmopolitan cities to stunning nature, pristine beaches to volcanic mountains, New Zealand’s North Island really packs a punch. Home to seventy-five percent of New Zealand’s population, a lot of travelers think you can easily see the sights in a matter of days. The island isn’t huge after all. But there’s actually a lot of…

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The Nomadic Network is Back!

Big news everyone! The Nomadic Network (TNN) is back! TNN is the community we built for travelers back in 2019. TNN’s goal was to connect fellow travelers through in-person meetups all around the world. In 2020, we shifted to virtual events, connecting you to a wide variety of voices that could teach you everything from…

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AI and the Future of Travel

Artificial intelligence (A.I.) is all the rage these days. Everyone is talking about how it’s going to change the world. It’s making waves in design, art, graphics, and contracts. But will it change travel? I actually don’t think it will that much. At least, not in the near term. Here’s why: The internet is littered…

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Best Sunrise Spot In Thailand

998 The Samet Nangshe viewpoint in Thailand is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen in my travels. It’s also fairly easy to get there by driving from the tourist island of Phuket. This viewpoint overlooks the spectacular Phang Nga Bay, a Thai national park with dozens of small islands. The sunrise at…

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The Best VPN for Travelers?

When I first started traveling the world, I didn’t have a laptop. I didn’t have a smartphone either. Nobody did. Back then, when you needed to use a computer, you went to an internet café, sent a few emails, and then went back to traveling. Obviously, things have changed since that first big trip of…

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