Women’s pain and discomfort has a history of being ignored in health care. Here are two ways that’s starting to change.

Two major developments in women’s health have recently made news: less invasive alternatives to the pap smear — long considered “an uncomfortable but necessary evil” for cervical cancer screenings — and the new pain management guidelines for IUD insertion, the highly effective contraceptive that many women have said hurts when placed in the uterus to…

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Oropouche virus is spreading — and U.S. travelers have been affected. Here’s what to know about the insect-borne disease that has caused 2 deaths.

Oropouche virus disease is on the rise and spreading outside its typical bounds. Now, two young women are dead from the virus, with a third death being investigated. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued an advisory on Aug. 16 warning people traveling to areas known to have the Oropouche virus to avoid getting…

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