VC Neil Mehta, who’s quietly nabbing prized SF property, plans a “Y Combinator for restaurants”

Neil Mehta, the VC behind the acquisition of a string of properties on San Francisco’s tony Fillmore Street, made waves earlier this week for reportedly throwing long-established local restaurants to the curb to bring in more high-end retailers. The San Francisco Chronicle talked, for example, to the owner of Ten-Ichi, a neighborhood sushi restaurant for…

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Thunderstorm warning issued for Maricopa County

The National Weather Service has issued a severe thunderstorm warning for Maricopa County starting at 5:42 p.m. Aug. 23. The warning expires at 6:15 p.m. Aug. 23. A severe thunderstorm was located near Tonto National Monument, or 7 miles south of Roosevelt, moving northeast at 30 mph; 60 mph wind gusts and penny-size hail expected….

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AI, Search, and the Travel Creator

Last year, Google rolled out something called “the helpful-content update” (HCU). It felt that too many websites were over-optimized for search and not run by real people providing real answers based on firsthand experience. Instead, there were too many SEO farms pumping out bad content for search and ad revenue. Hence, the desire to put…

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Women’s pain and discomfort has a history of being ignored in health care. Here are two ways that’s starting to change.

Two major developments in women’s health have recently made news: less invasive alternatives to the pap smear — long considered “an uncomfortable but necessary evil” for cervical cancer screenings — and the new pain management guidelines for IUD insertion, the highly effective contraceptive that many women have said hurts when placed in the uterus to…

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