Millennial, Gen Z men take better care of their mental health than Gen X-ers, baby boomers — but are worse about annual physicals, survey finds

American men are concerned about staying healthy, but different generations go about it in different ways, according to a new survey. Cleveland Clinic found that 95% of men of any age in the U.S. consider their health a top priority, and 87% are worried about making sure their current habits and practices will help them…

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Women’s pain and discomfort has a history of being ignored in health care. Here are two ways that’s starting to change.

Two major developments in women’s health have recently made news: less invasive alternatives to the pap smear — long considered “an uncomfortable but necessary evil” for cervical cancer screenings — and the new pain management guidelines for IUD insertion, the highly effective contraceptive that many women have said hurts when placed in the uterus to…

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